購物滿 HKD 800.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

蛇王協 五蛇羹 400ml


已售出: 77


產品名稱:五蛇羹 成份/INGREDIENTS: 蛇肉、雞肉絲、金華火腿絲、冬菇、薑絲、黑木耳、陳 皮、調味料:豆粉(含有麩質的穀類)砂糖、食鹽、雞 粉[增味劑(621)]、草菇提取物。 Snake meat, Chicken, Jinhua ham,Mushroom, Ginger, Fungus, Tangerine peel Bean flour(Cereals Containing Gluten), Sugar, Salt, Chicken Powder [Salt, Flavour Enhancers (E621)], Extract of Mushroom. 簡介/PRODUCT INTRODUCTION: 蛇羹是傳統滋補又美味的高級食物。蛇肉膽固醇低,營 養豐富,含有人體必需的氨基酸及礦物質。 Snake Meat is traditional high class nourishing health food, rich in protein, essential Amino acid with very low cholesterol content. 功效/EFFECT: 蛇——驅風濕、舒筋活絡、滋補肝腎、強健筋骨。 薑——驅寒開胃。黑木耳——含豐富水溶性纖維,幫助 體內膽固醇代謝,保養心血管健康,有益腸胃。 Dispel wind-damp, Nourishing liver & kidney, Strengthen the bones and muscles, drive blood circulation, invigorate blood to help to maintain health. 食用方法: 沸水煮食,較接近原品質。 Boiling water cooking is more closer to the original quality. 1. 沸水煮食: 將冰包,整包泡入2000毫升沸水,收細火並保持沸 騰,25至30分鐘。 Put the ice pack into 2000ml bolling water set smaller fire but keeping boiling for 25 to 30 minutes. 2.微波爐煑食: 將冰包剪開,放入平底煲,加常溫開水110至130毫 升,加上蓋,大火11-13分鐘 Microwave cooking: Cut the ice pack, put it in a flat-bottomed pot, add 110 to 130ml of room temperature boiled water, add a lid, and heat for 11-13 minutes. 保存方法/STORAGE INSTRUCTION: 1.請儲存於攝氏18°C或以下冷藏。 Store in refrigeration at-18 degrees Celsius or below. 2.如未食用完畢,請儲存於0~4°C攝氏冷藏,並於 24小時內食用。 If not eaten, store in 0 to 4 degrees Celsius refrigerated, and eat within 24 hours.
